
Thursday, June 6th

1:00-2:00- Check in for attendees

2:00-2:30- Mary Portzen welcome

2:30-3:00- Introductions

3:00-3:50- Susie Finkbeiner-Your Story Matters” In this noisy world where so much competes for our attention it can be tempting to believe that our voice can't possibly make a difference. That could not be further from the truth. Each of our lives contain a series of stories that make us who we are; stories that illustrate three core truths about how God sees us, knows us, and cares for us. In this inspirational session, Susie Finkbeiner encourages writers to share the stories only they can tell. 

4:00-5:00- Mary Portzen “Breaking into Publication with Shorts” While many writers strive to have a book published, there are other ways they can break into publishing. Mary has had over 700 short pieces published in magazines, newspapers, anthologies and online. She encourages potential writers to think outside the “book box” in regard to having their writing published.

5:00- evening meal

5:45-7:00-Lights for the Path, tables set up (with a guide) for discussions related to the various genres of writing. 

Friday, June 7th 

Check-in for attendees at Fellowship Hall 7:30-8:30, continental breakfast

8:30-9:20- Mary Portzen, “When God Guides Your Writing”

9:20-10:10 - Susie Finkbeiner, “Common Mistakes Writers Make”

10:10-20 Break

10:20-12:00-David LaBelle, "Finding God in the Ordinary with Writing and Photography" (bring phone or camera)

12:15-1:15 Lunch

12:45-1:10 (paid 20-minute consultations)

1:10-1:30 Golf cart available to/from Retreat Center

1:30-2:20 Susie Finkbeiner, “Writing Dialogue” (Fellowship Hall) A novel would be nothing without good dialogue between characters. There are, however, pitfalls in the writing of conversation that are best avoided. Come to this interactive workshop to learn some helpful pointers from Susie Finkbeiner about how to write true to life dialogue. Be ready to write! You're going to get some work done in this session!

Robyn Mulder, “In the Dark About Editing” (retreat center) . Does you're progect knead profesional editing? It sure does! (Hopefully you caught all four errors in that first question.) Learn from a freelance editor about the different levels of editing your project might need, as well as typical rates, where to find an editor, and best practices for working with an editor. We'll take a look Track Changes in Word and learn how you, the author, can accept or reject changes. A good editor helps you produce a book you can promote with pride!        

2:20-2:30 Golf cart available to/from Retreat Center

2:30-3:20 Cherie Dargan (Fellowship Hall), "Building Your Platform: So, What's a Platform?"

As writers, we hear all the time that we must have a platform if we wish to go forward with our writing, but what does that mean? In this informative workshop, Cherie Dargen will give practical information on how to build and expand your web presence, giving your future editor, publishers, and readers something to google! With her experience as a published author and as a Tech Guru, Cherie will provide helpful examples and share a list of free digital tools for those writers who are ready to take the next leap as an author. More experienced writers looking for a way to broaden their reach online will benefit from this workshop.

Sheri Shonk, "Called To Write, but Now What?" (retreat center) 2:30-3:20. Golf cart available to/from the retreat center. In this fun and informative workshop, Sheri Smith Shonk will share her experience of attending this conference five years ago as a newly called writer and how she went from completely overwhelmed by the information she was given to a published author of four books in just five years. She will touch on the need for an author platform, how to research and find agents and publishers to submit your work for consideration, as well as the elements of writing a query letter for both fiction and non-fiction work. Included in this workshop will be a list of terms every writer should be familiar with to give them confidence as they step out in faith, following the call to write. This workshop would benefit the new writer or those looking for direction to go forward with their writing.     

3:30-4:45 Amylee Weeks, “faith story” and ekphrastic writing workshop with attendees (writing inspired by a piece of art) 

4:45-5:00 Mary Portzen announcements

5:00-5:40 consultations (2 per speaker)

6:00 picnic supper (picnic area next to Retreat Center, across from office)

7:00-8:30 Optional Open Sharing Time in Retreat Center living room

Saturday, June 8th

8:00-9:00 - Gather inside the Fellowship Hall with continental breakfast

9:00-9:15- Mary Portzen, opening devotion, announcements.

9:15-10:05- Susie Finkbeiner, “Research for Writers”

10:10-11:00- Jocelyn Green, “Appetite and Ambition: When Will We Be Satisfied?” Writers are hungry people. We share a craving to communicate and connect with the world around us through the power of words on a page. We strive for success. But when will we be filled? How do we know when we’ve had “enough” to satisfy our own ambitions, or what we believe God has called us to do? In a highly subjective industry, full of conflicting voices, Jocelyn will explore what it may take for you to satisfy your appetite for success without giving up your soul.

11:00-noon Guided Panel Discussion on Marketing and Promotion (not just for books, but as writers…how do we promote ourselves)

Noon-1:00 - Lunch

12:30-1:00- unpaid private consultations (Two 15-minutes per speaker)

1:00-2:00- Jocelyn Green, "Devotions That Make a Difference" Learn how to write devotions that go beyond telling an inspirational story. Master the technique that will make a difference in people’s lives by getting them into God’s Word and applying it to their own unique situations, no matter where they are in their spiritual journey.

2:00-2:10- BREAK

2:10-3:00- Susie Finkbeiner “When You Feel Like Giving Up” Let's face it; the writing life can be full of discouragement. From rejections to bad reviews to writer's can be enough to make a person want to pack up and quit entirely. Susie Finkbeiner offers encouragement to slow down, seek wisdom, and (maybe) give it all another chance.

3:00-3:30- Mary Portzen, Closing. Time for your final questions and making your final purchases from the authors.